New Webinar Series

New Webinar Series

We’ve launched a new series of webinars for those interested in learning more about development finance. In this series, we’ll be discussing financial feasibility, common incentive tools, case studies, and even do some good ole math. If you’ve ever wanted to invest in...
A Business Plan for Your Building

A Business Plan for Your Building

It takes more than good design to make a project successful. Sure, we specialize in design, but we also offer our clients assistance in developing a tangible path forward for their development project. You probably fall into one of two categories: 1) you own a...
Project Update: Colman Yards

Project Update: Colman Yards

After the death of Howard Colman in 1983, the campus was sold to Reed-Chatwood, ceasing operations 17 years later. The City of Rockford purchased the property in 2002 and began the environmental cleanup process, making the campus more appealing for redevelopment. The...
The Story of Danville in Three Maps

The Story of Danville in Three Maps

We recently put the finishing touches on the Downtown Danville Revitalization Plan and are eager to share it with, well, everyone!  The plan is all about economic resiliency and revitalization, giving them the framework to recover from the financial setbacks which...
Historic Tax Credits Explained 

Historic Tax Credits Explained 

Note: Since many of our projects have used historic tax credits as a funding source, we wanted to share what we know about “HTCs” so that you can consider them for your next project. You’ll find a number of benefits, along with answers to some frequently asked...